A predator often repeats patterns. They repeat the same stories the same lines the same cycle never really gaining anything in life. People get sick of their pseudo OCD “I want sympathy” pathetic toddler level loop of stupidity. They are still doing and mumbling the same things they did 20 or 30 years ago. Relaying the same stories of crap that have no root in actuality. Anyone with cognitive abilities can grasp the obvious of they kind of just regurgitate the same things repeatedly. That’s a con artist, it’s a scripted scene in their head they play over and over again for people that gets old fast. The same lines to gain handouts or sympathy. They’ll be old beings continuing the same basic stories that have little to no rooting in anything. They dwell in a loop like all con artists do.
Speaking of which for the last time. That psycho old fugly hills have eyes type black predator in Oakland I AM NOT WITH THAT THING NEVER WAS, they are a sexual predator that harasses and has a history of stalking me all over the place that I’ve been striving to have put away from the public for over 10 years. He has menaced, harassed and textbook stalked me in all respects as well as family or anyone who has anything to do with me for well over a decade. The perpetrator like anyone that has anything to do with them is a liar, a grand stander, and con artist that is provable. They and 1 other being are on a federal case file for their behavior not only towards me but overall. It is not their seeking a attention solely they are provably a serial perpetrator and predator that I never really knew or know that preyed on me period the end case closed. That is all there is to it. If they or anyone linked to them has something to say there is an email tab on my website. I’m not doing this continually having to post “Leave me alone” since law is well involved. It’s done it’s over the serial textbook harassment is going to cease period.