Notice: Every time some moron male is going to pull BS that lasts 5 seconds with usually some low thinking female they always post or say the same exact thing … you’d think these females would catch on they’re being played at some point. As long as they cease bothering me about it I don’t care. Like I’ve said they can blow a rhinoceros and have apparently about the equivalent I don’t care. It’s got nothing to do with me whatsoever. 🤷🏽♀️ I will say this however, they say the same thing and are the same way with everyone in that realm none of them are that special… oh they’re special alright but not like how their insecure selves eat it up usually because obviously they didn’t have a decent Father or Men figures in their lives. Don’t send me nothing about it I don’t care never have said it many times. The online pattern has been like this for years:
I begin receiving content appertaining to parties (used to receive weird calls/text messages, emails everywhere the parties were or headed which I can prove)
Some movie or something along those lines gets posted by some account which those accounts used to come by my stories etc as well
Then finally the idiotas flashing some cringing Jezebel all over social media and making a big drama production out of it meanwhile one can tell it’s all BS for attention and to make a point no one with anything to do in their life cares about
They all need to grow up seriously. Like I said they can have at it bunch of blithering nuts. It’s like I’ve had to say in as blunt language as possible like I’m communicating with 5 year old’s:
If it’s not life or world enhancing I DON’T CARE
If it has nothing to do with anything professional I DON’T CARE
If it has nothing to do with a justice issue I DON’T CARE
If it’s not supportive I DON’T CARE
#Idiotas #Next #DontSendMeBS