Report and block any accounts a harassing psycho female pelican internet sleuth makes. Every time they come at me anything they do of that nature goes to macro law. I don’t engage a$$holes like that otherwise. Beings like that need obvious some kind of mental something that they can’t seem to get it through their gourd they’re done been done. They can go send and mumble nasty BS to Bubbet and the original problem from years ago Bubba in prison honestly. They’re done been done. ::Shrugs:: The more they do, acting stupid towards not only me provably but others the more not only does it show to everyone what they’ve been doing but goes right to reputable law enforcement of hundreds of pages of reputable provable harassment and the like. Those types need to check themselves in away from the public. A logical rational being when they are aware macro law is on their a$$ would cease but a narcopathic psycho doesn’t have those cognitive abilities obviously when people don’t want to be harassed by them.
Block, Report, Next.