Pastor Paula White has said it well when you are an agent of change you go against the grain and that makes some resentful. Been dealing with it for umpteen that my factual work is somehow taking away from them when logically it isn’t so I have these off the wall resentments that don’t have any logic or rationality to them. What’s disturbing is when it’s from those you have no tie to and they have crafted an entire root of resentment towards you that isn’t valid and not mentally sound. Those types would be well served to seek psychiatric evaluation as to why they’re resentful of people that have no bearing on you and have no part of your existence. A mentally sound person would have let whatnot be miniscule driven resentment go not continue to take it to the extremes most often. Those types undoubtedly have psychiatric and emotional issues. That behavior isn’t healthy and is atypical.