Empowering cinematic piece about the life of the legendary Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin.
Courtesy- MGM
The section of Dr. Martin Luther King was splendid. I have to say way to go for her Father seeing through the foul snake boy trying to put moves on her from the beginning that was a toxic foul being. That is what a Father does to not allow Johnny Come Lately toxic envious abusive in over their head unprofessional sabotaging creeps to play with their daughters like some toy. If Girls and young Women seek to be in that business you either have to have an upright Man down for you on the business side and or personal side or be a brute Queen of NO because many slithery types will attempt it, they’re the beings you have to watch out for… the most talented you are they will come at you. If they can’t screw you they’ll see if they can move you out of the way. As one Woman who was a fashion designer spoke on a piece of advice she received “First a Man will see if he can screw you. Then he wants to see if he can screw you over then if they can get you out of the way. If you can keep those 3 things in mind you can go far.” Sure in this day and age it is the lengthy way around the barn not to body count, nepotism, etc but it is meritorious. Aforesaid there are beings in it or around it that do not wish for anyone to outshine, out sing (which isn’t difficult in the climate it is), out write, out everything else. You have to be aware of them and or their stringing along wasting your talents and everything else as though Girls/Women ought to fall at their feet at their crumbles of attention when they really aren’t moving you forward into anything. One thing you can’t fall into a dismal place she also spoke of to push the egotism to the forefront as a defense mechanism. That is why she identified and respected Whitney Houston they had similar troubles.
Abuser: “You wait until your demons come back.”
Aretha: “After living with you I’m ready for them.”
Any Girl or Woman in the entertainment, fashion , etc sector that has encountered abuse after abuse of some form it is like that, harassment after harassment, after you’ve been through enough abyss from unsavory those of us who have can take on and conquer anything.