Things narcopathic abusers of any variety do when you A. Either won’t interact with them B. Perceive the subject cut in on their make believe territory or C. Held accountable for their actions they retaliate in some way as they have nothing in their lives or nothing to lose. They need serious help spiritually, emotionally, mentally and everything else they’re not normal or healthy nothing about them is. It is not normal to police and try to dictate the lives or expressions of others that have nothing to do with them at all. There’s a reason those types have not achieved much in their lives typically as they’re too busy lurking, resenting, and hating what others are doing in life or have in life. 🤷🏽♀️
It’s a piteous existence that seek such unhealthy acknowledgement. Those types want to make you interact best thing to do? Don’t acknowledge them at all, don’t look at them, talk to them nothing, keep it moving. Their whole existences centers on envy, jealousy, hate, and total emptiness of nothing. Let them be miserable, prying, and helicoptering on others lives and ongoings what they only think is going on.