Return of The King
“What do we do against this?”
Aragorn: “Ride out to meet them.’
Courtesy of- Helga
To pick up from The Two Towers moral analysis of the Lord of The Rings trilogy.
Courtesy of- Movieclips
In the final installment of ,Lord of The Rings, titled ,Return Of The King, it covers a range of moral core points in an artistic way. First there is the weight of the ring (sin, temptation, evil, garden variety corruption) the cause of all the unrest in the Middle Earth world kind of like how what that signifies is the cause for that in reality. The manipulativeness, contention causing, and reprobate destructive mind of Gollum as any of that tends to take individuals to in reality who subscribe to it. Thus going full on into They’ve-Come-Undone territory. This of course leads to his own end ultimately.
Courtesy of- EgalmothOfGondolin01
Courtesy of- The Lord of the Rings
The draw of the ring for Frodo
Courtesy of- EgalmothOfGondolin01
But he does find his light against darkness at least once.
Courtesy of- The Lotr TV
The full on war between good and evil how it breeds on chaos and trepidation thus the answer is to always stand up and fight back.
Courtesy of- Helga
Hence we have the son of the mad dog Dad who isn’t much of a leader to speak as he isn’t capable. Thus he delves headlong (lack of figuratively) into paganism…and off of the castle
Courtesy of- The Lotr TV
Pippin going into battle like he had a pair along with Gandolf and Eowyn in which both she and Pippin were told they were “unfit to fight”
Courtesy of- Jullingen
Aragorn of course at last taking his rightful place from a Ranger to leader to a King he was always destined to be
Hope and bravery in spite of what seems insurmountable odds when wickedness is stood against as Galdolf’s character stated, “No matter stand your ground.”
Courtesy of- Kimer Lorens
Samwise’s character really being the hero in all of it
Courtesy of- Everything In Middle Earth
The arrogant taunting nature of evil.
and finally triumph over wickedness
Courtesy of- Samani Tech 60FPS
Courtesy of- RafaelKmargo
Courtesy of- Sam Elliot
And through the whole saga Sauron never does find out Frodo has the ring until he implodes. The point of that is wickedness is not nearly as omnipresent nor nearly as ingenious to what is really occurring as it believes itself to be. Matter of fact it only sends out a walking mouth because that is the cowardice of darkness and wickedness.