Rohingya And Now Indian’s Muslim Population
“Many of the rape survivors were children.” Survivors Speak Out About Mass Rape | “Myanmar’s Killing Fields” | FRONTLINE
Courtesy of- New York Times
Courtesy of- Pulitzer Center
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Courtesy of- Timeline PBS
I’d like to say what is it with countries targeting Muslim groups? But the answer for that goes all the way back to WWII and siding with British Colonialism.
Courtesy of- Vox
The Rohingya have been under habitual attacks since and now according to reports broke by Genocide Watch India’s Muslim population has been described as imminently facing a forthcoming genocide based upon acts of such already occurring.
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What have these minority populations ever committed that warrants suppression and such violations…and such barbaric oppression at that? Nothing warrants it ever. It is to be said the UN needs to get a handle on these situations they have been inactive and silent about for too long. Anytime there is a genocide they drop the ball because the truth is oppressors of that magnitude do not want peace we all can’t just get along and sing Kumbiya. Part of peace there has to be justice and accountability for criminality upon human life. Same with allied countries they really need to put a stop to this before it detonates into another mass killing, raping, trafficking, and pillaging spree. This can not be allowed in any sane, sound, or civil world.
Courtesy of- Genocide Watch