As I’ve said as Romany among other nomadic IE Amazigh, tribal based nations including the lineage of Chiefs, esteemed people, and Christian Jewish at that you won’t see us as Girls and Women doing certain things, acting a certain way or dressed a certain way. You won’t see us all over Men, coming onto Men, you won’t see us doing none of that at all. Which is so funny and disturbing when those who hate us the most want to throw that moniker or acts onto us as something dirty or nasty when we are anything but so, but I tend to believe predators and bigots are a duplicate of each other. If you look at either mentality they have very similar if not entirely identical thought processes and abhorrent behaviors towards those they essentially are bigoted towards. It’s like they want to throw smut on us then say we are the ones who are smutty also known as the act of projection. 🤷🏽♀️
And yes the paint is a very old tradition and or like similar nomadic cultures hanging out the sheet after the consummation of a union to prove the bride was a Virgin at the time of marriage. Some still practice it. That’s to give a stark picture how seriously we take cleanliness and purity just as much to the extent with how clean we are in our homes, dress, and behavior as well.