Romeo & Juliet 2014
I have been a supporter of the works since I can remember as posted several times over the years. I grew up on the 1996 film version of Romeo and Juliet, studying the works, etc etc. I have recently had the chance to view the entire 2014 theater version featuring Orlando Bloom. I attended a theater version as a gift from a sibling years ago. It was stirring as I’ve spoken on many times over the years. The film versions were of course touching but to be involved in or to see a theater version it’s mind-blowing. The ballet it goes without saying is equally so as well. In this version to drive an even more polarization in the story the stage directors had the feuding between family’s color based as Juliet in this version is Black and of course Romeo White. It worked because it was during a time when the societal and political shaking due to injustices such as Trayvon Martin, etc etc had occurred. The film Fruitvale Station had come out as well which even more drove the point.
Courtesy of- IMBD
I’ve written on many times over the years it is dubbed “The Greatest Love Story Ever Told” it’s wasn’t meant to be a love story, it was written as a tragedy. It was a commentary on many aspects that I have posted on before over the years.
Courtesy of- Allen Newman