Rope A Dope
One thing survivors of any kind of trafficking, violence, abusers, Martial Artists, Fighters, Military, or just those who have had occupations on the street, law to some degree particularly defense attorney’s etc never play yourself into an enemy’s hands let an enemy come to you and at you don’t go to them or initiate anything. Let them do exactly what you want them to do IE talk and or keep doing what they’ve been doing as they’re generally not the brightest tools in the shed never have been. Therefore it really is rope-a-dope scenario because honestly those kind are morons to be blunt. As bright people don’t conduct themselves that way in the first place, bright people live a real life, leave people alone, stay out of places and spaces they’re not apart of nor wanted in for given reasons let alone messing with anyone or multiple peoples they’re too busy in a real life. Allow them to be what they are, it shows or will eventually.