Rutka Laskier
::Trigger Warning::
“The rope around us is getting tighter and tighter. The little faith I used to have has been completely shattered. If God existed he certainly would not allow human beings to be thrown into furnaces alive or the heads of little children smashed with the buts of guns or shoved into sacks and gassed to death. It sounds like a fairy tale for those who haven’t seen these things would never believe it but it’s no myth it’s the truth.” 1943 From the Journal of Rutka Lasker
Her name was ,Rutka Laskier, a 14-year-old Polish Jewish Girl who lost her life at the hands of the Nazi regime. Upon the discovery of her journal in 2005 followed by publication she posthumously became known as “The Polish Anne Frank.” Her journal was found in the stair floor boards at a house located in the ghetto that ,Rutka, like millions of fellow Jews were forced into. Annually on Passover and Holy Week I always compose a post about the Holocaust because it is important to commemorate the lives lost to remember never again. Our world has witnessed or experienced hatred, violence, genocide, and or hate crimes long since — it did not end with the European Holocaust. We have seen ethnic hatred as recent as the spree of hate crimes against our Asian and Pacific Islander peoples, we’ve seen or experienced in our Black lives community, our Indigenous lives Girls as well as Women especially since 1492, the genocidal acts of China towards it’s Uyghurs population. One of the stories highlighted from both the publicized journal as well as the 2009 documentary was ,Rutka’s, courage in running away from a round up prior to the Final Solution implementation was put into place. Trigger warning is advised for survivors of any such atrocities as it is told from the words of a 14-year-old-Girl as brash as the violence towards the people was. It is believed ,Rutka, as a result of dying of Cholera was taken to the gas chamber by a peer via way of a wheelbarrow. It is said of the peer that she asked the peer to take her to the electric fence so , Rutka, could end her own life with dignity on her terms. As ,The Matthew Shepard Foundation, coined the term Erase The Hate. Let us all strive to erase hate that has no place in a civil society or any society for that matter. May ,Rutka, as well as all of the millions if not billions of lives lost due to hate fueled violence continue their rest in peace.
Video- Reel Truth History