Sabotage: A Monkey Wrench
An issue anyone of any drive, ambition, and or talent will always encounter beings here and there that seek to throw a monkey wrench into your life or chances. They deem to ruin other’s chances and obstruct their path in life. Some of that is jealousy otherwise is their own thrown away life they did to themselves, their own instability, therefore like a freight train they destroy everything they touch. There are beings if it were up to them no one would ever have a chance in life, they would trash and ruin it at every turn. They’re entirely toxic and negative, they’re not interested in supporting other people let alone giving anyone who actually deserves it a leg up, everyone is their competition, everyone is their inevitable replacement or undoing which is not so more than actually is. It’s the monkey wrench complex. When you’re in the business of entertainment, a usually young person entering it, art, fashion etc to any degree especially if you have a great deal of potential people will mess with you sometimes mercilessly and or unfortunate to express those who ought to be more mature that are in positions of power, connected, or more seasoned in the space if you will because they don’t want to get knocked off their metaphorical pedestal. But on their end they need to be aware of that’s the name of the game, everyone who is few and far between fortunate enough to even get an inch in hopefully based on merit-able talent let alone those who aren’t have their moment. It’s minutely lived they need to accept that someone is going to come up behind them and it will be someone else they need to stop hogging the opportunities, spotlight, and pushing decent people/talent out who have the right to be there. Let other people have their time and moment. Everyone isn’t a threat some people like myself and really any artist of any variety I’ve been acquainted with/worked with are just attempting to get gigs before the inevitable time limit runs out some have longer than others. It depends. Pay their rent, their bills, make a steady career they can live off of, etc. Not everyone’s drive is based on covet or some ulterior motive towards you but that world can breed that toxic negativity towards people. I hate to say if people realized how unimportant they are in that sense and how little they are thought of in that sense they wouldn’t be half as preoccupied with that viper pit behavior.
If many of them pulled their heads out of their back-ends there is real talent out there under their noses usually to cultivate, but they don’t always see that because they’re too busy thinking how to block and stop people who aren’t any threat to them as that is the world they live in. It often encourages that. I once heard Denzel Washington say he wouldn’t work with let alone grant a hand up to a brown noser essentially, it was the story of how he discovered actor Derek Luke. That’s what a real one does that isn’t interested in some sort of strings attached and their being no longevity to it. That is what a professional does. Not play tit for tat and dumb games on social media stringing talent or qualified people along with BS dumbing those they do so towards down like their time and everything else doesn’t matter. Like the talent’s whole reason for existing is to amuse them, to be strung along, and make some big drama-fest in their lives. ::Shrugs:: Those are types looking for something else that has nothing to do with talent or career based. They’re just wasting time. They’re not interested in imparting professional wisdom as to anything wholesome, will enhance your life to reaching fullest potential. They’re interested in taking if not destroying. They’re interested in screwing you and forgetting about it. It’s like a loved one once said to me as I spoke of a few times, being a Girl/Woman males in that realm will screw you, throw you away, and leave you in a ditch never get mixed up with them. They have no interest in talent that isn’t casting couch related whatsoever. Think of how many young Girls and Women have attempted to enter that field and found themselves instead of singing/dancing etc packing out arena’s instead became a porn actress to make ends meet, a stripper, an escort, sexually exploited some other way, or even face down? Too many to count because nobody was watching out for it, they weren’t privy to it I mean how could young people be if we had never been in it?, thinking they could trust people in, around, or operate it even to be professional. Needless to say it needs vast cleaning house if not burned to the ground entirely. You have to almost if not be a full on B because in that business you will be taken advantage of, harassed at some point by females or males, sexually solicited, sexually assaulted, have beef/contention coming at you, etc regularly. That is the environment it is and breeds.