No Heart, No Fear
Godfrey: “Did you hear him screaming ‘ You have no heart.’ Could he possibly know? Do you think they know my secret that I gave up my heart and soul to possess you. To spy for me, to do my will, to kill, the power of the wolf?”
Wolf: “That’s me. What a miserable creature I’ve become. I don’t really know myself anymore. Not really an animal not really a Man.”
Godfrey: “Go to the village and find out what the people are saying about me.”
Wolf: “They don’t say anything about you anymore.”
Godfrey: “Well that’s because they’re all afraid of me. See they’re all afraid of me.”
Wolf: “Not all of them.”
Godfrey: “Who is not afraid of me?”
Wolf: “I heard. The Girl Linnet has no fear.”
The whole point of this post is using Sacred Knowledge or as the Eurocentricism calls “Intuition.” Lakota peoples for example call this sacred knowledge. Be we survivors of any kind of type of violence and or just survivors by ethno group based one thing we are very aware of is when something doesn’t feel right in your gut run the hell away…fast and stay far away. Do not allow yourself to be put in a bad situation or be set up for something. Like I said yesterday there are a lot of sicko predatory types out there. As I was speaking with a fellow advocate recently not everyone that watches and checks on you is doing so because they like what you’re saying and doing, they may just be an enemy wanting to seemingly get close to hurt you. Not everyone who studies you is doing it for a good reason they may want to hurt you. Hell, I’ve had pimps and traffickers try to chat me up on numerous occasions, make their social media rounds, etc. The premise and moral of the Red Riding Hood stories for example was never trust anything or one too quickly or at all especially if they’ve never come correct and even then use discernment. There is usually something else going on that you don’t want to be involved in or have to deal with. In one version of the tale the wolf did try to chat up and befriend the Girl. Point is always trust your gut, keep your distance and stay as far away from anything that doesn’t feel right as possible. Basically moral of the story if there was anything I learned as a kid from my whole aforesaid situation trust your gut always if you thought one situation you went through was bad there are those that could end up a million times worse for those who do not listen to their instincts. As I was saying to an advocate the other day I don’t trust anyone that creeps and lurks.. or has their clique do so either. In my experiences online usually what it is or was if it wasn’t my aforesaid issue it was some thing of the month sending their little ignorant scouts to lurk on my posts to see if I was with their male monger or not for whatever weird reasonings they had or thought they picked up on. I’ve had it occur a great deal and know exactly what it is and looks like.
Aside from the kitschy maybe slightly goofy songs pretty accurate description of that dynamic as said many times over the years in situations like mine where it’s been a revolving door of the same behavior on repeat never up to any good. Like I’ve said nightmare fuel to just remove yourself as far away from as possible. And you know something is really wrong when you’ve reached out to peoples due to strange things being received on my end and there was no professional communication made about it, you know something is very wrong there because the truth is those persons probably knew about it or were in on it. Basically Junior High and High School immature mean girl mean boy garbage at the most, the least just something fun a$$hole entertainment at others expense to do. Keep in mind there are a lot of beings who don’t like real Christians let alone practicing Jews and that’s really what their issue is about and of course if you’re against any kind of prostitution etc bottom line. God will deal with those insidious types and always does sooner or later. No one that has ever done so towards me ended up on the well end of life. They all ended up near dead, broke down, etc. God has the power to show you who he is but in the meantime don’t be talking to anyone or thing that gives you an unsettled feeling besides how would they know who I am and never tell me anyway? Right there is always a red flag that something foul that isn’t right. I frankly don’t think it is any coincidence in all the types that have come at me seem to all be connected in some way, know a a few core persons or of them in some form therefore. ::Shrugs:: I let that sit and let God deal with it.
There was a scene where the Girl is dreaming the wolf is chasing her down unable to find it but the whole point is always use discernment about things and people therefore you won’t get caught in a bad place. ::Shrugs::