I was speaking on twitter how over the years I received a great deal of things on my social media about mental illness and specifically schizophrenia. I spoke on I’ve dealt with those I’m pretty certain have it along with narcopathy as typically mental illness alone isn’t malevolent towards others therefore there’s usually a personality disorder going on in those cases as well. And certainly probably some level of psychosis as I’ve been in Human Rights for years and have had one on ones with those who have been diagnosed with various mental issues. There’s a few really great articles and a talk on it. IE One aspect mentioned communication wise or the attempt to is often in unusual unhealthy ways. When not treated very little insight and self reflection goes along with that of course. That’s pretty standard of someone with it.
Credit- Salorddotorg
Credits- WebMD
The paranoid repetitive thoughts great point. As the Woman spoke on she realized something was very wrong when she thought the same exact thing about someone else they deemed as the issue.
Credit- TED Talks
God bless these 2 Ladies on sharing their truth. I never want people to misconstrue the blunt way I defend myself that way I do against provable documented years of some of the most horrible harassment one could think of that I have an issue with mentally ill people. Quite the contrary obviously. No, I have a problem with narcopathic a$$ lurking creeping trolls who think it’s okay to harass people — not those with mental illness AND or if in the case if any harasser has something mentally going on in them then they need to do something about it seek professional help not harass people myself included constantly daily even. People have a right to talk, live their life etc without being harassed, lurked on, had rumors spread about them when they’ve (as in me) have been ignoring those who do so, or tracked in any way that is entirely valid as well as provable. That’s the difference. On a similar note there was a wonderful biopic about 20 years ago now by Universal titled “A Beautiful Mind” about American Mathematician ,John Nash, on his struggle with schizophrenia.
Credit- Universal Studios