Scientology And The Aftermath
“For asking questions I started being punished.” Leah Remini Scientology And The Aftermath
Courtesy of- The Hollywood Reporter
Fascinating A&E 2018 docuseries on the aftermath of leaving the religious sect of Scientology. It goes over the whole “Fair game” rule that every sort of oppressive systems have. Meaning anyone who speaks out, questions, or challenges the dogma of the “church”, occult, trafficker, criminal ring, and really to some extent any controlling abuser of any variety the backlash of that is fair game meaning the subjective group perceives that person/persons as a “Suppressive Person” as Scientology refers to it aka an “Enemy” thus as a result anyone of the group can enact and undertake any all destructive crimes really towards those that opposed the groups suppressive ideologies.
As one Gentleman confessed to in episode 2 during his job in the criminal sect it was to essentially destroy anyone’s lives, follow, harass, menace, attempt to get dirt, commit vilification upon targets, and whatnot that was deemed an “enemy” IE critics for example.
Courtesy of- Wikipedia
Be it a religious order, criminal ring, criminal activity, human trafficking included in that, etc etc those groups deem it a right no matter how they refer to it that deem it a prerogative to attack an opposing person or persons in any way possible if not end those who counteract their obviously warped ideologies.
Courtesy of- Wikipedia
If anyone with even the slightest cognitive abilities distinguishes anyone involved in anything like that their eyes always have that glazed over invasion of the body snatchers expression. They’re like a robot that just spews the rhetoric of the head of the sect, criminal ring, boss, etc followers have little to no individuality their whole being is immersed into what the dogmatic teachings says or does. When it comes to things like sexual assault of minors, trafficking, anything like that the fault is on the preyed upon’s head in groups of those sort of categories which the docuseries delves into. All of those kind of groups always attempt to recruit high status people, celebrities, etc for financial reasons, PR, pyramid scheme type organizations because that is really what it is just like if anyone has knowledge of how criminal networks function. There are the same elements present, disconnection from sound people outside of that, isolation, control, invasion of privacy, degradation, brainwashing, harshness, assault, sexual assault is common, trafficking, rationalization of the dysfunction, so-on-so-forth. As one Woman who was a member spoke on it becomes rationalizing insanity essentially. The psycho ,L. Ron Hubbard, which concocted the self worship pyramid scheme turned criminal sect was nothing more than a Lucifer complexed lunatic, a chronic liar, a hypocrite, an abuser of Women, and a yes a drug addict — all of the aspects almost any if not all suppressors indeed are. It is no conjecture that crimes such as Human Trafficking and suppressive Religious sects often intersect because both are almost identical entirely with slightly contrasting roots to them but the underlining concepts are the same.