Scott Pilgrim Poignancy
I was posting on twitter and such why I not only block problem or potentially problem individuals & certainly females especially from certain scenes because often they will come after those of us that are perceived as a threat when we have nothing to do with anything, especially when they inevitably get screwed over as they’re not terribly bright nor emotionally mature. As it’s occurred before several times aside from the typical gnat perpetrator I’ve been outspoken of based on valid issues daily from them I’ve had problems from females as aforesaid who thought whatever they thought. It’s called self preservation.
Credit- Fandango via Scott Pilgrim VS The World
I also went on to say that’s about what it’s like when having someone or several females or just salty beings watch everything said or done for the purpose of being a harasser (provable) OR trying to get what they think you have or do have by way of lurking/mimicking. It’s preteen behavior. Like I’ve made it very clear I’m not into that, about that or that kind of person. Others business isn’t mine. I’m not a blogger don’t wish to be one never have, don’t typically associate with them in anyway, have nothing to do with them. Just because people voice opinions etc online doesn’t make them a blogger. I’m not part of that and certainly never have wanted to be. Entertainment wise I’m not a groupie or male chaser, don’t care, don’t want to be harassed about it typically from the usual revolving door of females — I don’t play into that whatsoever. I’m about The Arts, Human Rights, Fashion that’s it case closed. ::Shrugs:: As the character of ,Ramona Flowers, said “What the hell?” There’s no legitimacy to harassing people about something they aren’t or into to begin with. It makes those who do so a creep nothing more period. Basically you don’t want to be that creep gender regardless as I’ve found over the years females are much worse than males about it that Lonely Island did a comedic song about around 10 years ago now titled “Creep Crawl.”
Credits- Lonely Island
Honestly that’s about what they’re like and look like just creepy over something that isn’t even valid anyway besides it’s the internet it shouldn’t be taken that seriously. It has nothing to do with actual life whatsoever therefore to try to use it as something it’s not or make it apart of your life or others lives it’s not is honestly just stupid. That’s why I don’t network on social media anymore far too many problems that are just that problems with really no reward to it other than often times harassment and the usual viper pit mentality. ::Shrugs::