When it comes to the arts, fashion, or the entertainment sector I can never stress this enough to hopefuls or those actively working in it ALWAYS ALWAYS screen people, castings, etc even if posting are in the trades it is important to ensure those postings are legitimate and to ensure they aren’t into anything exploitative. We all have those stories of something not being right, being contacted by something that isn’t the norm, or worse case having a sexually based offense enacted upon us. As the young Woman speaks of most often the younger the better as far as criminality of that nature goes. They search for trusting marks that won’t ask questions, conduct in depth background, or anything of that nature. If you come across a casting there is no official website for the company, the person or persons name when googled is practically non existent or actually someone in a whole other sector it’s not a legitimate casting that you maybe led to believe. Leave that alone. OR even if people are legitimate in the fame sense you need to really ensure they’re not into other means of income especially these days where criminal culture is rampant in the mostly music field and modeling field as everyone is well aware of the Epstein types, rapists, pedophiles etc in it, it certainly has had a history of flourishing in those realms. Music wise it’s almost all illicit based somewhere anymore. If beings are moving less than normal something is up and wrong. Just because someone is a celebrity or semi doesn’t mean they’re clean. You have to ensure they don’t have other objectives in mind or those tied to them aren’t active in the underbelly realm. Occurrences like this are actual. Never go off to some casting or go off with anyone alone celebrity or not. Always conduct in-depth research because Google in and of itself can be quite deceptive as Google can have any information on it.
Criminal networks and sexual violence violators are a real thing. Youths and Women disappear frequently because they attended a casting or linked up with someone they didn’t know under the impression of networking, career related, etc. When everything is said and done you really don’t know people until you know them inter-personally for a prolonged period of time. Always, always take someone with you never ever go anywhere like that alone. I would even say so for photo shoots, if they have a problem with someone being present nearby if not in the room there is something quite amiss. Never go off alone anywhere like that.
Courtesy of- Dr. Phil
This story is true the criminal that kidnapped her was sentenced to prison time. It was not staged as some may have initially accused the young Woman of it did indeed occur.