Secrets Of The SAQQARA Tomb
The things I watch in a nutshell
“They ran a device to their brain, removed all of their organs, the brain, the heart, the stomach, then mummified them.” Archaeologist of the tomb.
As the present a mummified corpse while I contently eat peanut butter M&Ms.. as I’ve said many times over the years this sums me up pretty well (Dr Van Helsing character as played by Mel Brooks.)
This is much so that one of my siblings has a saying he coined pretty early on in my life to describe me “She (me) is like ‘So we split it in half like so with a shard don’t worry about the spurting of blood it’ll dry up sooner or later.”
That’s why I can’t deal with intellectually stupid beings that just don’t apply themselves in life or those who whine all the time because I’ve pretty much seen it all, heard it all, and experienced it all practically at this point. lol