See Something, Say Something: Missing and Exploited Children
As mentioned in the call surrounding missing young Girl by the name of , Anthonette Christine Cayedito. She went missing in 1986. It’s very simple see something you call proper authorities or do something. There were several times the ball was dropped in the Anthonette Cayedito case such as the waitress who had been given all clear indicators something was wrong going on with this child and yet by the time the waitress found the note left under a plate reading “Help me, call the police” she was long gone along with her captors. How easily the Girl could’ve been found had when Cayedito continually knocked the silverware on the floor and grasping at the hand of the waitress had she called police right away. Now it’s 2020 and who knows whatever happened to her. This is the case with so many missing and exploited children/youths in which people saw, encountered, or heard something but yet did nothing when obviously they should have. When it comes to children, youths, and the vulnerable it’s everyone’s responsibility and business. Besides what if that person were your child, sister/brother, loved one, etc? What would you have done? Wouldn’t you want someone to assist in recovering them?