I had spoken of this before many years how Selena was a Woman after my own heart. Shame she passed on so young and so soon she was already a legend when she passed at age 25 it would’ve been something to see what she was to do particularly during the Latin Invasion era which no doubt would have propelled her further than she was headed already.
I’ve been that Woman many a time when people have come at me etc I can totally relate. Like I always tell them “You aren’t too good to be decent to people, far from it.” Even my own perpetrator who during the abuse/exploitation of my life as a kid was all like in a very arrogant deluded voice “I am artist you met one time on myspace.” As if I was nothing. Never mind they’re the one like many of that temperament a wannabe really like too many jokers out there now that take themselves way too seriously than actually are and hyped by the foolish with extremely low self esteem and 0 critical thinking capabilities of their own. Why they became so vengeful and enraged was because I came back eventually with a “B__ you are not an artist, if you were a real artist you wouldn’t be bothering me and 5 other young Girls at all you’d be working your craft not bothering me, making my life a living hell That’s any profession or professional.) Secondly I grew up training with, working with, or related to REAL acclaimed artists (dance related mainly) you ain’t it.” That’s why I have 0 tolerance for narcissistic arrogant beings level regardless that are full of themselves and think way too highly of themselves. That think being an obnoxious a$$hole makes them cute, funny, or worthy of time. You will not have nor keep a respectable career like that if you already have one especially in today’s world where people will cancel you so fast and likely won’t come back from it because it’s a cold business and world. As she said “I’ve been around musicians my whole life. I’m not impressed.” I’ve told off seedy producers, managers, acts, etc that were rude as hell looking for something I don’t do because I couldn’t stand them as people based on their behavior towards not only myself but others as well. Which is funny none of which have a career anymore because nobody wants to support or deal with people like that. That’s one of the reasons why I have a difficult time liking, supporting, or getting along with people from and around that realm nowadays when they come my way because aside from they’re not really talented they’re all hype, their whole attitude, arrogance, envy of actual legends they are not nor will ever be, etc is sh__. Sorry not sorry having nothing nearly intelligent, low IQ, etc to put out than how great your genitals are, how much money you have, jewelry, what a “bad b__” you are is not art never will be doesn’t make anyone an actual artist that’s marketing and playing a degraded role the suits want because those that do don’t have enough sense not to portray nor act like a piece of trash being they’re not talented typically. That’s the only thing in their bag of tricks because they’re empty full of nothing but crap honestly. Meanwhile there are kids or people who have been struggling for years in theater, playing on Bourbon Street, small Night clubs, etc that are incredible who are actual artists etc that are worthy of the recognition. ::Shrugs::
Speaking of which these kids went viral a few years ago which you’ll see why.. playing in a subway station like why in the hell though?! They should be playing arenas not these ignorant idiots in the mainstream who can’t even carry a note for 1 minute seriously and probably paid someone off to get where they are for the moment because it won’t last .... or blew someone or multiple people.