Set Up
Having dealt with criminality and certainly lower end criminals or have either or professionally and or personally we are aware they have the capacity to attempt setting people up if allowed the access to enact that. Those of us who are trained either by vocation and or personally experiences to handle those types of situations are aware when that is taking place or attempting to. When it comes to those type of insidious criminals you have to be very aware of what they’re up to or trying to do. To give an example the reality show Dog The Bounty Hunter (much respects to his belated wife Beth) had an episode once in which a bail jumping client basically led them on a goose chase only to attempt setting them up via legalities. I’m not sure if this is the episode it was featured on but the gist is those types are always conspiring something towards people therefore never walk into their entrapment metaphorically or literally. The reason they do this is well they’re criminals that lie, cheat, steal, con, and so on. They’ve lived their whole existences that way usually often they stem from criminal families.. typically low end but at the very least dishonest. They are often raised that way, that’s the only life they have ever led. They don’t live a healthy normal life, everyone they come across is either an accomplice, an enabler, or a dollar sign. Basically when having that type of element come at you as a non criminal never take the bait let them make all the mistakes, do all the talking, and hopefully fall into their own metaphoric pit if possible. Matter of fact in the episode when the schemer walked up to “Give himself up” Dog and his team aware that he was trying to set them up, so he merely folded his arms and said “You are setting us up right now. Don’t come any closer.” Of course the criminal kept babbling trying to engage them but they’ve been doing this work for a lifetime therefore like anyone who has been apart of that type of livelihood knows when something foul like that is going on… criminals and schemers are never 1/2 as bright as they believe themselves to be really.. particularly when it comes to those who know exactly what’s going on and intentions. All people are targets to some capacity to those kind nothing more. ::Shrugs::
Point is never allow those types to goad you in any respect. I was putting out the other day about how Karen types be they of color or not as well as gender regardless (that’s a whole other post by itself) we’ve seen how they will goad Brown and Black targets or attempt to in order to be able to pin something on one of us. In my time I’ve even observed this even going over into a seductive form so the individual can turn around and say they person sexually assaulted them or something of that nature. It’s happened many a time historically and more currently frequently. My own attacker/exploiter did so (except there was no seduction there.) To go off subject a bit non criminal harmful Brown and Black people we really have to protect ourselves from individuals like so out there because there are a still those who would love nothing more than to blame one of us for something. I consider any liar particularly where crime is concerned they themselves a criminal, as I’ve posted before only criminals have a reason to lie, fabricate, or tell half truths not upstanding citizens.