Sexual Harassment
...would somebody other than me and feds tell this self imposed retardo behind these accounts that sexually harasses me to 🖕🏼 themselves and I’m not a lesbian? They obviously won’t have a problem turning tricks in the fed pen in their orange jumpsuit willingly. The loser continually goes through my things and harasses me with this crap and a plethora of other harassment/stalking law has and is well aware of. Complete Swine smh
Since the self imposed junkie retardo doesn’t comprehend law: Sending people crap when they have blocked you umpteen thousands times and blatantly said 🖕🏼 off hundreds of times is contact, liking, dm’ing, emailing, texting, etc is contact. Stalking their feed with fake accounts or mutual accounts you sent is contact. Spamming someone with this crap is contact. If it’s sexual like this crap then it’s sexual harassment.
I wrote the harassing account directly on Instagram stating I wouldn’t spit on them if they were on fire to stop for the billionth time and under law it is sexual harassment. 🖕🏼 Them everyday throughout the day and the predator that has been harassing me for 16 years of Oakland that began this. 🖕🏼 Them too. They can share a prison cell together. I’m not going for civil anything. They are going to serve time for their exploitation, non stop harassment, stalking, slander of my name, defamation, and damages. They better run like the p__y womanless and manless cowards they are to Mommy and Daddy that were piss poor parents like the retardo imps they are. It will do no good, it’s called accountability particularly the porn I’ve received involving minors and seemed to have laughed about it that I have reported to federal law umpteen times. They did it to themselves, been arrogant/thumbed their nose at accountability, law, those they have victimized myself included umpteen thousand over. What I will have the prosecutor request aside from they are going to federal pen anyhow is every slanderous post or dm that has perpetuated this harassment for years to be removed, their internet access removed, and their issue of apology to me publicly before their accounts are scrubbed from social media, their music pertaining to the male that began this harassment, their scam my award they garnered through ill gain and scamming sold to fund counter Human Trafficking organizations. They screwed around for a long time and found out that the world isn’t theirs that laws aren’t according to them and everyone isn’t simply living in their world. There are laws and real world accountability mechanisms for impish psycho warped behavior towards innocent people. They can quote “grin evilily” in the state pen at their cellmates that will have a field day with them. Village Idiocy.