When it comes to an incessant psycho pasty hills have eyes harasser female and psycho hills have eyes black old male from years ago- Is there something someone could shove in the endless yaps of the dead mumbling nonsensically beings that is usually picked from things I’ve posted or from my life I didn’t post (provable?) Like do they ever shut their mindless yap? Again if they have something to say there is an email tab. I block anyone that has to do with them or seems like has to do with them. They need to get away from me. There’s an email tab if they have something in their craw. During a confrontation it would be a simple “Why are continuing to harass me? I don’t know you.”
It goes to convey when a psycho continues to harass even after blocking a whole group of they seemed to be chasing with a “Have at it” that it is obvious it doesn’t have anything to do with that. It is simple those types are cookoo, have a screw loose, and psychologically warped. Disregarding the fact they are on a FBI case file having 0 reservations about it. That says a great deal about where such harassing psychos are at psychologically. That is brain damaged brainless beings that have no concept of consequences for actions.