Shrooms and Psychology
I’ve had this occur a few times I received a follow pertaining to shrooms which sums up a great deal of the harassing behavior I’ve encountered from some beings. Shrooms makes those who use it flip out to the extent of the behavior patterns I’ve been experiencing from them. Those harassers appear like shroomers or some sort of mind altering substance something along those lines and certainly behave like it. They enact and say weird off the wall sentiments. It would account for some of the erratic behavior. Distorted reality, time, etc Euphoria, Delusions, Panic Reactions jumping from point A to Z, Paranoia. Probably do hallucinate. Shrooms makes beings trip out and damages whatever brain they ever had.
Courtesy- NCBI
That stuff damages users brains that were likely not wrapped to begin with.
Courtesy- Medical News Today
The crap I’ve been experiencing towards myself and even family (provable) is drug addict behavior meshed with severe cognitive or mental problems most likely. Addicts enact bizarroness because of obviousness they’re in an altered state of reality hence why they don’t grasp consequences for their actions. Those type of users enact whackiness and either upon coming down from that drug don’t recall it, smatterings of it, or don’t think about it in order not to take accountability for it. The whacky harassers I’ve encountered are on something or under the influence of something it is apparent they are hence the behavior patterns. Usage of narcotics such as shrooms can cause Psychosis.
This is a fascinating analysis by a psychologist of films of Psychotic Episodes, Mental Health Episodes, Lability, Sociopathy, etc portrayed in films and how they par up to reality.
Courtesy- GQ
This is the difference between Psychopathy and Psychosis. They are not the same. Narcopathy is not a mental illness it’s a personality trait, a personality disorder. Psychosis is a dissociation from reality as where Psychopaths etc are well aware what they are enacting. Psychopaths enjoy harming innocent people, toying, etc. They get off on it bluntly put. They do toy and mess with people because a psychopath likes that false sense of power they get from it. He also speaks on Histrionic Disorder, Sadism, Narcissism, etc.