Signs of a Pedophile
Psychiatry Online
Pedophiles have a profile of characteristics aside from their behavior is typically emotionally immature, has interest in childish things, toys, clothes, etc too young for their own age, so on and so forth. Their behavior traits are typically malignant narcissism, predatory manipulative behavior, inferior/superiority complex, low self esteem but feign exaggerated self esteem, and dysphoria. Predators can be of any gender.
I was posting earlier it wouldn’t be a revelation to me when federal law apprehends a mentally sick couple that’s been harassing me if they aren’t child predators if not child pornographers. They really mock survivors myself included and post predatory behavior. The fact they send me child porn on social media to them by feds, their behavior, and their entire vibe has been a predatory profile and impression. I guarantee when they are apprehended federal law will unearth child predation committed by them somewhere presently enacting or linked to. Their behavior is extremely predatory, harassment, sexual harassment, malignant narcissistic, manipulative, dishonesty to the extent of sociopathic, and completely inappropriate for their ages against me and against people they have an unhealthy obsession with. They’re a nefarious couple that have foul predator vibes on them to be blunt. They likely thought I was a kid not a Woman that has been in the work I’ve been in over a decade, has worked with law enforcement, stakeholders, etc and that’s likely their fetish or seems to be. Kids. When a predator is displaying childish toys, clothes, and those behavioral traits at their ages it’s obvious. Predators behave like that to lure children in. It wouldn’t be a revelation to me if I’m on the money about it. I’ve dealt with enough predators in the line of work I’ve been in for a decade to gauge a predator in seconds.