
Voicing Freedom
6 min readJan 28, 2022


What’s always been funny to people like myself when beings are so self impressed and narcopathic they believe everything someone real speaks of what they always have has anything to do with them. Meanwhile for people like myself it’s like — I’ve been this way and speaking up on these kind of vast wide-spread maltreatments of human life since I was 5 years old. When a disabled family member was accosted by 3 boys on the playground. I was 5 when I first saw a program about police brutality thus replayed the Rodney King beating. I was 7 years old the first time I moved to the deep south for a few years and heard a teacher refer to a visibly Black Girl who became my friend as a “N__”- since I first saw photos of Female Genital Mutilation taking place along with survivors relaying their stories, or a 12 year old Girl selling herself to a grown male in order to buy food. It was since I first saw an HBO documentary as a child of children around the world relaying the horrors of Child Abuse, Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Violence, Tyranny, Human Trafficking, Childhood Marriages to grown Males, etc it was called “Innocents Lost.” I suggest everyone watch it.

Courtesy of- Real Stories

And as a result the stories infuriated not only myself but it was compelling to the extent it enforced outcry and outrage invoking some meaningful change. Anything like so it should infuriate anyone to move into action… not to mention conditions haven’t improved that much in these Human Rights atrocities involving children and the young since it originally aired in the late 1990's, it has only spread and taken on various forms. There was another one as well around that time that spoke with children who had survived Genocide albeit I am unable to locate it at this time but it was striking.

Courtesy of- CYC

Courtesy of- Euro Child

God knows issues such as the Commercial Exploitation of Children, Women, the vulnerable throughout the world at alarming rates are unfortunately highly flourishing. Gender-Based violence, Sexual Violence, none of it has changed any and numbers have skyrocketed… why do imperceptive beings think that is?,-Main%20article%3A%20Child&text=Thailand%20is%20considered%20to%20have,record%2C%20followed%20closely%20by%20Brazil.

Courtesy of- Wikipedia

Courtesy of- UNODC

Courtesy of- Migration Portal

Courtesy of- Statista

Courtesy of- UNICEF

These are the real pressing issues and despicable entirely that these type of Human Rights violations that are going on to this day along with the newer ones which are really just an extension of those aforementioned. Same with 2001’s “Children in War.”

These are things that need to be addressed, corrected, action taken, and for people to put their energy into — NOT sitting their glutenous a$$’es online nor perceiving life as some large scale Crabs-In-A-Bucket-One-Up-I-Have-To-Be-Number-One-Look-At-Me game doing next to nothing if anything to eliminate these horrendous human rights abuses.

Courtesy of- Mirror UK

Courtesy of- South China Morning Post

And this is not to mention the unfortunate typical affects of living as the Indigenous experience particularly pertaining to Girls, Women, and Children as a whole.

Courtesy of- Los Angeles Times

I’ve been among those standing up for and with marginalized peoples be I interconnected to respective groups or not since I was a child. I will always continue to do so. The point I’m making none of this is anything trend related or anything new whatsoever to me. I’ve never done it for that reason if people are they need to sit down because life isn’t about you. Therefore it is presumptuous as hell for beings to assume they are so important and the central point of the universe that anything I write on or post has anything to do with them nor some competition excrement despicably using human life to do so. There are things that are coincidences and or maybe just maybe God using God fearing people, Humane people as a vessel opening their eyes that there are actual crimes against humanity that go on via a large scale, that human life matters, and to essentially for them to pull their head out of their back-end which is probably where it remains most of the time to be frank about it. It isn’t any copycat, 1 up anything, it actually registers and means something as it ought to offend the human soul about anything like those affronts against humanity children especially. Ergo the perpetrator and theirs I’ve slammed openly picked the wrong one ultimately to prey on because little did they know I’d be vocal of everything enacted that there was no way I wouldn’t counter and not only fight back but more so use that maltreatment to fight for the Rights of those also preyed upon by violations of human rights. Nothing they did or said was ever going to silence me for the betterment of human kind and I’m proud to have done so. The fundamental point is how about instead of eyeballing people like me evil eyeing everything I do how about doing something about these actual real issues pertaining to young people most frequently, tripping on other people all the time, and scrutinizing everything we or anyone does how about get up off your back-end and enact something that will end these mentioned inhumane damning pervasive Human Rights violations of young people in 2022?

Courtesy of- United Nations

There is no excuse for it and it’s because there aren’t enough people enraged nor galvanized to do something about it. Michael Jackson whatever he was or wasn’t did have poignancy in his lyrics such as “Earth Song” and “Why You Wanna trip On Me?” Did beings who want to downplay, blase, and disregard these horrendous vast abuses ever stop to notice all of those affected by these various violent acts OR are they too damn busy making love to themselves in mirrors practically, squabbling among each other like a bunch of dogs, flashing all the shininess they can’t take with them when they croak anyway? These atrocities ought to sicken anyone - not worrying about pettiness and the superficiality of existing. That use of time, energy, and funds could be put towards good- towards changing the world not the triviality of a bubble world. If these foolhardy politicians, those in power, or influence would stop pissing about ignorance such as Pepe Lepu or Minnie Mouse wearing a pantsuit and doing something that actually matters for our world we just might have a more advanced world than we do. It is piteous when other CHILDREN and Young People are making more lead-way in advancing the world than these squabbling disgraceful grown persons in positions of power, means, authority, or just everyday average types. It’s revolting and piteous. This is why movements such as ,Half The Sky, and ,A Path Appears, occurred because everyone was either misinformed to these Human Rights abuses or turned a blind eye too preoccupied off in their petty idiocy of self to be blunt.

Courtesy of- United Nations

If you aren’t doing anything at all to assist ending any of these horrors towards people then what in the hell are you doing with your life and self? Regardless of any trivial factor because nothing else really matters, none of the lack of profundity in life. The stats and truth of survivors speaks for itself alone.



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince