Sloppy Seconds
Paranoid females: They want my “Man”, husband, boyfriend, play thing, etc
IE Simp males: They want me and run me down.
Meu: Unlike you that isn’t my life’s purpose and one track mindedness of minute nothings. Rest assured I don’t want your sloppy seconds if you had them, I sure as hell don’t want it as they probably have diseases, your broke down male child, or foolishness no thank you.
I like Men real Men not some little boy jokers playing a game and certainly not if they’re with some equal joker or some plastic.. or multiple.
I have to wonder have these fools seen me? Enough said. Too many narcopathic jokers out there that need a life… and some kind of mental emotional spiritual help.
This is why I’ve said many times this is my song
Courtesy of- Mariah Carey