Smoke Signals
I’ve spoken of this film before but it is a 1998 film that spoke truth to the reservation structure, the all too prevalent reality of how colonialism abysmally affected Indigenous family dynamics thus in turn detrimentally affected our peoples, absentee Fathers that abandon their children, poverty, addiction, the rampant child abuse, suicide, inequality, violence against Women, etc etc. What all of that does to the children of the generations to come of the peoples. When Victor’s character said “You have to look mean or people won’t respect you. People will walk all over you if you don’t look mean” that observation is frequently accurate. We are such a compact number compared to dominate cultures that is a precise assessment.
Courtesy of- Lionsgate
It is to be said things are improving a bit at a time but it is improving on the reservations and reserves.
Courtesy of- Studio BCS
Courtesy of- Eui Lee
Courtesy of- Fandango