Meth Use
What using meth further enables psychologically unstable beings that have 0 in life. Create accounts to constantly stalk and harass their targets among other invasive stalking law has investigated umpteen times and the feds will be pulling money from for what they owe and cost me. Been ongoing for 16 years and then 5 years by a psycho Peckerwood that thinks they’re entitled to me and famous when they aren’t. They post mocking hateful rhetoric and think everything pertains to them/delusional that people are referring to their crappy existence when that’s not the case. An attention seeker. It’s like my attorney and any law I’ve spoken to stated “They’re nuts and don’t live in the real world.” Sole contact I had with this narcopathic Peckerwood bigoted mal-raised inbred obsessive 🚮 after they put out a doxing/harassment social media temper tantrum like a 5 year old hence my “Stop harassing me” blocked them, that was it on my side however like the ghetto trash of Oakland hasn’t left me alone since. The psychiatrically mental seems to be a junkie that basically repeats everything of other people they target has concocted an entire sociopathy of mentalness of their harassment/ cyberstalking/and physical stalking of me. Going as far as to as many of you are aware file a false police report in September 2021 taking my social media they had been blocked from but habitually openly admitted to stalking that law has the screenshots of as I out of context went on open social media to further taunt, harass, and slander my name like any typical stalker does hence I hired an attorney to investigate it as well as proposed legal action against the department and ultimately the perp themselves that dwells within their 5 year old behavior that doesn’t grasp the gravity of their actions 4 years on. Since it’s been federal involvement against that Peckerwood because the stupid clownish b_&h can’t seem to cease harassing and cyberstalking me law has confirmed they indeed are/have been. Likewise of perp of Oakland everything points to they are associated with.
The Peckerwood and their 🚮 junkie mentally unstable blogger acquaintances they doxed me to think they own the internet and what everyone they target does or posts. The puta has cited “revenge” that has 0 rationale considering that’s the sole contact I’ve had was a piss off. They live the same mental loop daily enacting and openly posting the same things repeatedly that is reminiscent of severe autism, tourettes, or narc use territory. They like being an annoying unwanted harassing 💩 reminiscent of a 5 year old bully. Piss off means piss off otherwise it’s harassment particularly 5 years on. 16 years of perp of Oakland I’ve been vocal of that equally needs to f off.