Somehow I have no idea what some Man and their’s problem seems to be. I don’t know them like that and of course never did anything to them. How could I when I don’t know them never met them spoke with them? Oh wow so I tagged one song once uno they did several years ago that I actually thought was good and from a professional program I took part in about something they said that doesn’t account for anything negative that I know of. That’s what the problem with the internet. I’d love to ask them so what seems to be your problem and issue?
It’s like you do know I’m not with the psycho predator I’ve been outspoken of right? Nor some psycho Karen or Ken. That follows me everywhere. I’ve been pretty blunt about it. You do realize male psycho predator is my serial predatory stalker and harasser don’t you? I outed them based on severe harassment and provable stalking that had a restraining order involved for years at one point. Besides why would I be with that psycho old broke dog on crank to be entirely blunt? It’s like have you ever seen me? Enough said. I’m not never been with them. Just as I don’t know any Karen or Ken psycho types from the equally re re ward apparently nor support them, don’t care about anything they do or say, nothing never have. Either or are repugnant to me and would never be anyone I’d interact with in any way.
Therefore who do these beings think I am? That’s the problem with the internet people get on it, don’t get their wires uncrossed, have no cognitive critical thinking skills, or anything else jump on it and take things as they see them not as they actually are.
The truth is I’ve been trying to get rid of that old psycho gremlin and some gremlin looking minions of theirs for years that have followed me all over the internet and tech in every way possible (provable.) For all the hassle there could have been something professional going on towards me instead of all the BS really. I’m not impressed nor impressionable never been therefore do not care who anyone thinks they are or anything else.