Some Beings
Some harassing beings are on a weekend pass apparently. Ignore, no validation.
I will say this however, what a bunch of cowards of a lot sitting there allowing some ugly psycho dwells in fantasy world pasty ignorant harasser who lurks on people who have told them to get off their things umpteen thousand and a skinny ugly moronic predator from way back to threaten and menace not only them but me as well having a textbook history of it, that isn’t any real anything I’ve ever been exposed to in real life. Where I come from you pull that crap harassing and menacing people thumbing your nose for any period of time that has 1 of 2 ways it ends… and it’s as ugly as the beings themselves. It is disgraces entirely. SMH.
No pathetic loser scares me. Those behavior patterns are the traits of a mass shooter. Persecuatory Complex, Combative, Narcissistic, Pendulum Mood Swings, Agitated, Unhealthy Aggression (not in a matter of fact or assertive way but severely unbalanced off the wall form), dwells in make believe, delusions, and fantasy, etc. This is exactly why law grimaces when they have taken hundreds of reports of the hills have eyes beings I’ve had a serial harassment problems from. They need to lock them up permanently, remove any forms of entertainment mediums from their possession because it gives those types foul ideas as it has been a pattern of their attempting to make it come to life in reality and recreate the fictitious entertainment stories they ingest as a reality it’s not. Law needs to omit them from the street before they enact an inevitable “Let’s go out in a blaze of glory.” Before they enact something drastic surpassing than already have. I don’t put anything past any beings with those psycho traits, 0 remorse, and that off the wall level of resentment. The foolish need to stop playing stupid games with those loser at life types because they’re not to be laughed off or taken lightly. Law doesn’t and neither do I nor have been. Those problems need to take themselves off my social media it’s been said many times. Obtain an actual life.. not a pretend made up one.
Courtesy- USAToday