Speaking of 4 Legged and The Finned
There was a 1993 film that actually turned into a series of films called “Free Willy” reality is a non domesticated Orca aka Killer Whales would kill a person. As the young Gentleman presented on His Tik Tok they are one of the most disrespectful animals in the animal kingdom. In the film the main protagonist is a homeless youth who gets into trouble for trespassing and vandalizing a whale park only to become acquainted with a Orca much like himself that’s essentially orphan and homeless in his own right. For those who have seen it the adolescent protagonist standard for street youths, foster kids, trauma survivors that was inflicted by people, and sometimes adopted kids have an inherited mistrust of people thoroughly as Randolph’s character said “Willy gets into moods and you need to give him his space. You don’t bother him he won’t bother you. He doesn’t like people very much.” Survivors same thing. Can’t be up in our face wrong or it’s equivalent. Those who do will get it in many cases. It’s pretty obvious don’t violate us in any way will let those who do know real quick that’s not going to be happening because we were violated above and beyond. Nobody ought to have that in them to seek to. There’s something inheritedly warped about those who do. That’s why youths respond well to survivor leaders that have experienced that in our lives as we’ve been there and are them. We don’t like asking anybody for anything because we’ve had to do for ourselves to one extent or the other we don’t take handouts or seek to.
Courtesy of- Fandango
There was a 1998 film called “Horse Whisperer” that had a similar concept.
Courtesy of- Trailer Chan
Courtesy of- Deep Hallow Ranch