Speaking of Which
Speaking of the perspective of the Arab world albeit a decade old article via The Guardian this currently can be very true.
Courtesy of- The Guardian
Again I’ve been to the Arab world, had loved ones who have frequented the Arab World, worked with those of the Arab World, AND of Amazigh background (as aforesaid how.) The sobering truth unfortunately has a core base to it which falls on those of us from the West who don’t subscribe to that mentality. They might try it but won’t get far once they realize we’re no different from their Brown sisters that came up in the Arab world and thus sadly mistaken. As one said to once in bewilderment “You’re like a Muslim Girl!” lol
But hey I mean look at the crap that is glorified of western or European females and how too many act, it makes us all look like Harlots and Jezebels. Matter of fact the harsh truth for many to swallow is if they think they can they will just use females who fall into that category and think very little of them doesn’t matter what they have professed to them… generally superficially and initially- they view them as well as any religious text refers to as harlots if not infidels. They are not on the same level or pedigree as one of their own never will be. In short they will always have more reverence for their own who abide by those laws be we Muslim, Jewish, or Christian. I almost pity those who are ignorant to this fact when these outside females believe other wise while believing they are “better” than anything. Those of the world view will profess that only to other people of their own background or world view… the beauty of having ethnic and or religious camaraderie. They’ll speak to those of their own background differently more candidly than those who are on the outside of it ….and will be honest about it too. If they know and trust us they’ll often precisely admit about females who are of that category “They’re just wh_res.” In so many sentiments or less. lol There exist numerous articles about this out there. Simply Google some of the conversations our there from the cultural world view if you don’t personally know any or if they would even feel comfortable enough to profess that actuality if you’re not from the background — enough said. To go off a quote from ,The Arabian Nights, that is one of the few Arab Muslim perspectives in the works of the cultural opinion to this day.
“Oh foulest of harlots. The vilest of wh_res.” The Arabian Nights
Let’s be honest when tourists behave about like this
Courtesy of- Al Arabiya English
Or party up horn dogs well what else are they to think? There actually was a Youtuber that went around Morocco asking what they thought of Western and European females, the majority of the consensus was not positive as the majority said “You have no morals (or respect) in your countries” straight out based on what they’ve experienced, seen in the country, or viewed. Honestly who can blame them? I’m embarrassed and ashamed for females who fit into that bracket. I’ve been in the region witnessing it first hand… the behavior is an embarrassment. ::Shrugs::
“In came in 10 handmaidens virgins like moons. After them high 20 other damsels high-bosomed virginity surrounding the ,Lady Zubaidah, who could hardly walk for the weight of her ornaments. As she drew near the slaves dispersed from around her and I advanced kissing the ground between her hands.” The Arabian Nights
In closing there are many mentions in the stories of how highly throughout that world view purity is valued, protected, and respected be it Arab, Indian, Roma, Persian, or Asian. The more devout and more self aware whether culturally or religiously the more seriously it is often taken. The more high class the more prevalent it can be. One of Islam’s 7 Deadly Sins is either defiling a ,Chaste Woman, (Woman of the book Muslim, Jewish, or Christian who is devout) OR falsely accusing a ,Chaste Woman, of the act. It is one of their most absolute laws.
Does the upholding of purity for Girls and Woman result in a double standard? Absolutely. Does it continue to exist in 2021? Yes, it does.