Spiritual Wickedness In High Places
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against a spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
I was posting recently that what the world calls “a light” and “honorable” anymore is almost piteous but that’s the world we live in a corrupt amoral driven one. True believers don’t subscribe to or go by what the world praises as commendable when it is anything but so. Kooky how the devil and those who essentially serve him deem to mimic what is of God… and face plant miserably. It’s like that scripture reads about “Those who call evil good and good evil.” That is the state of our world honestly. I don’t praise anything of the world or what the world mislabels as what honestly belongs to God. People I admire are those who were spoken of last night, real people who did real things in history that made a real difference and mattered that didn’t have to do with some Lucifer Jezebel complex, no that I will never applaud or praise. Those of the critical thinking ethos when people say “Well they’re a million, billionaire, everyone loves, them, etc” the superficial stuff. Those of us of sound mind and spirit are like “Yeah well so did figures like Hitler. That doesn’t mean anything” As Nancy Wake spoke on “He (Hitler) had everyone mesmerized.” Some of the most evil beings in history had or have that Svengali like charisma about them of any gender. That photo of the gathering that the sea of people were in support of Hitler however there was that one Gentleman historians believe the identity of the man was ,August Lanmesser, whom in the sea of beings following Hitler he instead had his arms folded with an expression of “You have got to be kidding me.” That sums it up well.
Courtesy of- Wikipedia
Make sure those you praise, follow, and support are not indeed fooling you.