When any being is attempting to bring people like myself down and hassle let’s weigh the unabashed logic. I’m not the type to look down on people whatsoever because I’ve been there by ignorant beings to contextualize it there is a point when any problem is coming at me and being condescending as hell causing problems that you have to dissect reality:
Meu: Lives for God I serve and Abides by it.
Problems: Paganistic and Black Witchcraft based
Meu: Speaks several languages including the nations of the peoples I stem from
Problems: Ignorant can barely speak English on purpose to the extent you can barely comprehend what they’re mumbling
Meu: Grew up in the Classically based dance realm a part of 2 award winning dance companies including a Company that won Grand Prix every year until aged 22
Problems: Only thing they’ve accomplished was screwing people by choice or conning people
Meu: Graduated Highschool early with a 4.0
Problems: Probably didn’t graduate High School… or even the 5th grade for that matter
Meu: Have owned my own land since early to mid 20's
Problems: Either spreads their legs willingly for it, takes off their clothes, or cons for anything they receive
Meu: Millennial
Problems: Gen X or older but have the maturity of 5 year olds
Meu: Worked with an Award Winning Youth Journalism Outlet
Problems: …can barely spell Cat or Dog been in the same underbelly for umpteen years
Meu: Been working in Human Rights with esteemed pioneering organizations for over 8 years
Problems: Already said
Meu: Doesn’t feel the need to act like a moron for attention
Problems: Seems to be all they do is vie for attention looking and acting estupido
Meu: Grew up cultured. A Military officer’s daughter
Problems: Seems they’ve not been out and or raised by hyenas
If they can form anything that resembles a coherent sentence it is a miracle
Meu: Been Pre-Professional, Professional Dancing, and performing since I was a kid
Problems: Pretty basic even if they are some sort of performer that anyone can do
Meu: An Award Winner for acclaimed work
Problems: All they’ve ever won is screwing a celebrity that screws a million just like them. Their mentality is so low that is a major win for them in life being nothing more than some piece or female.
Meu: Signed Model
Problems: Have to rep themselves because no one wants to work for or with them
Meu: Can attend any casting for most any Fashion Week show
Problems: They just can’t
Meu: Actually naturally non plastic exotic looking
Problems: Not at all what they believe themselves to be they’re pretty average looking and or plastic as hell that looks like a botched drag queen. Which is funny they the very ones to speak on others being “fake” because everything about them is fake.
Meu: Emotionally Intelligent
Problems: Kind of seems to be bluntly put slow or something
Meu: A genuinely merry person by nature
Problems: Absolutely loathing and piteous. Always creating and causing problems. They even look hateful and spiteful. No likable personality at all
Meu: In a position to make decisions
Problems: Can barely hold a normal healthy conversation. Usually a willing stripper, escort, or something along those lines by choice.
Meu: Artist
Problems: Can maybe draw a stick figure
Meu: Stems from the lineage of Chiefs, Royalty, and esteemed people which is provable.
Problems: Usually don’t even know who their Father was and or they ditched them.
Meu: Strong Willed
Problems: Really insecure and weak that’s why they have to boast and grandstand to the extent they do attempting to take away others thunder such as me.
Meu: Has self respect
Problems: All they are is bunda, t_ts, plastic, clout chasing, and doesn’t have much else to them at all. They’re 1 track minded.
I’ll tell you what those types are resentful of- They’re mad because they’re playing themselves entirely. They resent they aren’t invited nor included in upper class sectors never will be, they have their place in that realm no matter how many tricks they turn or attempt to pull. It’s safe to say who is jealous and envious of who now? Again brain damaged beings. It’s sure as hell not me that is or has been the problem — it’s obvious. Yeah it does offend me when some spiteful miserable a$$ old males pit crap at or against me or acts like they’re above Women like me. It’s obvious they are not better than Women like myself. It is not at all that, what it is it’s because that’s the level of their perception and piss poor outlook as TD Jakes once said. Therefore yeah I am better than any of that. I’m too intelligent, classy, refined, and just better than that all round. Always has been always will be. The end case closed.