I must say watching the scene of the Simon Biles withdraw that if she did it in the right spirit as I don’t know her personally that she did what was right and good as a team captain who essentially is the position of a leader. She not only was giving her teammates a chance to shine as well as the media was going way overboard focusing on her that was honestly becoming ridiculous but some of the scores the judges were giving towards the other gymnasts on the same team were terrible. I recall her mentioning on a 60 minutes interview some months ago or even a year ago that mentally she was ready to retire and I don’t blame her. Gymnastics is a one of the most mentally straining physically brutal sport… there’s a reason they retire by age 25 if that. Their knees, ankles, etc everything is affected tremendously. Their mental states, etc is no exception there’s a lot of abuse that goes into that and as she like most of the 2016 Olympic team were all abused by creepo pedophile Dr. Nassar. Dancers get abuse of varying degrees too but generally we have a little or a great deal more time in the 2020’s as we retire in our 30s or 40s as opposed to 20’s or even the 2010s or 2000s based on the type of athletics it is unless seriously injured which does and can occur. Difference is we’re not landing from flips in the air going 20 something miles per hour. Let alone landing from high velocity jumps and flips on a wooden beam the size of a cell phone.
No matter the motivation she was right they did just fine without her that is what a team captain does. Any leader doesn’t divide and conquer they decrease so those being led can increase. Silver isn’t bad and they earned it well. 👏🏽🥈