Statcounter Chronicles
Having used Statcounter for many years a handful of places always come up Carrollton Texas and a small province of Quebec. To hold a grudge based on something usually the other party did for that long (years over a decade in the main case) and creeping on them consistently like that even knowing they have a tracker on their page really says something about the mental, emotional, and spiritual well being of those who do meanwhile the individual they’re essentially creeping on hating so much just doesn’t care and has long moved forward in life. It shows those who do so don’t have much of a life besides I don’t know what the core Canada thing is about entirely but I’m not convinced it’s a totally separate issue. I mean I’m aware there are a lot of nuts out there but not that many for that long. People need to get offline and go live a real life not harass people on the internet they don’t even know. If the internet is to be used for anything is networking with people in your lanes in life, do and spread good, etc not anything nefarious or harass people who don’t want to be harassed nor lurked on by those who obviously have a problem with them. It’s the internet not real life. ::Shrugs::