Stop Crying
There was a dance instructor I had once that a Girl in the class in her case had some real emotional problems and kept crying all the time over everything finally during a hectic rehearsal he finally said to her “You need to stop crying.” The point I’m making here is when having any kind of psychopath or narcopathic kind come at and try to intimidate you, such as don’t give them nothing don’t show them nothing. If they think you’re soft they’ll eat you alive. Nothing they perceive as weak or anything else. If they sense weakness or vulnerability they’ll sniff it out like dog sniff’s out meat. Vulnerability, weakness, or meekness a psycho mentality picks up on it and views themselves as dominate to that. They’re a bully basically that likes to menace and attempt to intimidate. It’s like a sexual violence survivor the attorney will often prep the client for when the client has to testify against the perpetrator “Do not fall apart in court” because a lot of times courts throw out the case right away if that occurs. I know my attorney from way back did we went through the whole thing of anything they say, do, or anything else do not react or let it affect you. That is for one what a perpetrator wants, they get off on it, and for 2 it’s not a good look to the court. When dealing with a narcissistic mentality don’t let them garner any reaction or anything else out of you because that is exactly what they wish to achieve control.