Strong Personality

Voicing Freedom
3 min readJan 1, 2021


This is very true! lol Except my personality doesn’t shift arbitrarily. I once did a personality test that the results read something like “One look from you and people know to back off.” This is very true. I wouldn’t have it any other way and I really do not care what anyone thinks of me never really have. Time is valuable time is not promised time goes quick, energy, all of that I have never liked none of it wasted running me around in circles etc. There are people who will just waste your time, life, and gifts to where it feels like a habitual obstacle course to prove some point if they think they can therefore don’t allow them to. I was saying on my social media there are people that are just miserable and they want everyone else to be miserable too. They like to control people they want beholden to them in some way so they’ll do and say all kinds of things to make those they go after unhappy and unfulfilled. There is was a saying I believe from The Color Purple, “Folks don’t like nobody being too proud or too free.” They’re fine as long as you stay in a position or place they are comfortable with you being in but when you begin to break out of that that’s when all kinds of ugly begin coming out. Quora Inner Circle had a few great threads about this issue:

If it seems like something always comes up or at you every time right before a positive in your life or during that is someone or person who is all about sabotaging thus trying to rattle you hoping you’ll fail or won’t be able to do well being they see you as an enemy threat to something but really they’re miserable, jealous, and don’t want anyone else to have anything in life but them if that. If you removed what they had underneath that they actually have nothing especially what is important and healthy in life which is why those types go so much to put good deserving people down or make them feel down as a result of their malicious actions because that’s all they have in life. They’re so afraid of losing their spot in life if that they feel they need to be foul to people. If those types think or aware someone else has the capacity to be at the forefront that bothers them because for one they put too much stock of life into whatever the spotlight or position they have refusing to recognize it won’t last anyway. You didn’t even have to do anything to them or even know them especially now in social media land where everyone and their Mother has access to you it’s like Denzel Washington once said “Some people don’t like you because your spirit irritates their demons.” They have an ego and spiritual issue that they can’t face anyone is better than them at something, more attractive, younger, certainly a better person, classier, etc because they feel they’ll no longer be a number one if even that in life so they scrap like starving wild animals for whatever position they think qualifies them as top dog in life. Those types need to mature in order to recognize they can’t be where they are forever if they have it in the first place. Time moves on, new people come in, things change, etc. That’s life they need to do some real inner work, battle, and contend with their own demons/selves not mess with others who have it together in life as people and stop trying to drag others back or down. Besides quality strong people don’t have to attack others in some way unprovoked for no real reasoning only weak intimidated paranoid drama attention seeking beings do. ::Shrugs:: It comes down to if someone is trying to make you miserable is because they themselves are empty miserable shells who have poor self identity issues and really low self esteem when all is said and done. That’s why they feel so threatened by and intimidated by other people who typically are just minding their own business and trying to do them in life nothing more to it than that.



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince