Stupid Girls
There was a song and video created by Pink probably around 14 or 15 years ago now about the epidemic of stupidity, narcissism, and lack of substance that primarily Girls and Women emulated, now I’d say it’s pretty much gender regardless and worse in some ways because it’s glorified. 15 years as we’ve all seen we live in a warped world, harboring warped ideals, and warped moral codes. What is praiseworthy what isn’t is entirely flipped upside down as far as the world is concerned. I’ve utilized this work many times over the years to make a point that basically don’t act or be a stupid girl. If you’re over the age of 18 or 21 you’re grown and should act like it. In my experiences in real life forget internet there are too many grown people who by no means are kids but act worse than preteens vying for attention in every way possible. She took some flack for it at the time but it was and is even more so understandable what she was saying. She wasn’t bashing young victims or survivors of anything who were preyed on finding themselves in a bad spot in life she was expressing and what I gathered from it, if you do this and make these decisions solely for attention or to get ahead of any kind that is a problem for everyone because it falls back on Girls and Women everywhere that we have to deal with the effects of that because for one the public thinks we’re all like that. Aside from that stupid people really are purposeful nuisances and annoyances to decent people with actual intellect above mediocre at most because they don’t usually know when to reel it in thus just go about annoying the hell out of people because like a 5 year old they think it’s funny or cute to be obnoxious and rude — they like the attention it brings even if it’s one of repulsion. The song was blunt but it was making a very honest point. Basically get some decency, maturity, class, respect, and dignity really. Honestly I think most Generation Z and younger Millennial’s have picked up on this. Most kids act better than much older previous generations. I’d say some of the worst beings I’ve ever encountered were middle agers, above, close enough, or even older than that making one contemplate “How do they function in life?!” Basically don’t be stupid and deprecating in life it’s pretty effortless to do. ::Shrugs::