Surviving Narcopathy
Many in the world have been the subject of the Narcopathic (Psychological term for a Narcissist, Sociopath, and Psychopath which more often than not coexist in their sickness.) I was saying on twitter having been criminally harassed for a prolonged period of time from these type of warped beings you can’t combat with these type of beings. Nothing you say or do goes through their abnormality and it’s clear they are severely abnormal, everything about them. Honestly I’ve dealt with literal crack babies that are nowhere near that warped. Those types as I’ve said before pretty forthrightly a subject of extreme harassment could curse them out, tell them to f off umpteen times, have them arrested, if in person to continually harass/come at you physically spit on them, kick them in the face, knock them out, whatever they’re obviously mentally, emotionally, and everything else disturbed it doesn’t change anything about their behavior. They’re not normal or healthy at all it’s obvious those types are not. The top ways to defeat any narcopathic kind is
- Starve them of narcissistic supply (attention.) This is particularly difficult when they constantly harass, infringe upon privacy, and taunt but the less you say the better. Let them make an idiot of themselves and show who they are really.
- The former includes No Contact. This can not be stressed enough because that’s what their sick harassment and intrusion on your privacy/life is really based in, to garner contact from you. They’re obsessed with it and the object of resentment. Don’t give it to them ever. Let them come to you, let them make all of the mistakes as they’ve been doing.
- If a confrontation of any kind does occur keep your cool as much as possible because they will try to get the upper hand by goading you into an owed response which they will twist and lie about entirely. Also in public where everyone can view it and hear everything is best NEVER do any of this in private because they will lie expect them to. Why do you think us POC pull out our phones when attacked by one of these types (known as Karens) because we know how dishonest they are, how melodramatic, harassing, and proudly insidious they are.
- NEVER trust nor underestimate them. I don’t care if they come to you all “Peace, love light” it’s false DON’T accept it take nothing at face value from these obviously disturbed warped beings. Stay no contact no response. If they have any third party attempt to contact you in anyway (emails, messages, likes, follows, people from their pool of beings to dig through your social media stories included Block them and report them immediately etc.) BLOCK and go no contact entirely with those accounts or if on the phone numbers immediately. They’re trying to gather information for the narcopath nothing more.
- In a very heated exchange (if entirely unavoidable if the aggressor comes at you with it) last resort always devalue a Narcopath down to the level of what they really are because they will try to spew out anything trying to place themselves “above” you also that’s the only way a narcissist will back down. Simply telling them what they are usually suffices because it’s reality. Matter of fact therapists that specialize in dealing with narcopaths will speak on this. Their complex has to be broken down to nothing because their superiority complex is so high to the level of comical it has to be flattened entirely. Basically you have to go for the metaphoric jugular and keep going for it until the rabid being they are has nothing in them to come back with.
- To avoid all of this wasting of life nonsense avoid them as best as possible. If they continue to come at you always weigh your options of what can be done to rid your life of such a nuisance and always let them be the aggressor entirely. Basically let them play hypothetical hangman particularly if law is to become involved especially if there is harassment involved.
Here are some great videos by an expert on handling narcopaths.
Many times the defeat and destroy themselves based on their own envy of others and arrogance.