Surviving R. Kelly
“Your sins will find you out.” Dr. Lena Mclin former music teacher of R. Kelly
He like most predators must’ve done some smooth talking to hook these unfortunate beautiful young Girls children far too young for him AND let’s look at the fact he was married for a number of years while he enacted all his pedophilia. Let’s also face it, he’s not that attractive never was. He isn’t terribly intelligent either. And also let’s face it he wasn’t that talented when you look back it, he wasn’t mind blowing to listen to not really. He was fairly basic let’s keep it real but he must’ve had that gift of gab like all predators do. Musicianship wise he could play instruments but as an actual “artist” I never got what the hype was about. That aside I still have issues with the claims of “Oh he was abused as a child and became an addict.” I can’t totally buy it, you have a choice. More often than not children are abused and have no desire to harm anyone, that’s a cop out to entirely. I’m not sorry about saying it.
“I wanted the dream so bad but I knew it was going to be something else. I was only 17.” A Survivor