Survivor Intuition
When you’ve been f’d with enough you can pick up on when you’re being f’d with again. When you’ve received enough off the wall email, calls, and even text messages for many years forget social media BS that goes on there you just know when something doesn’t sound right that is being received especially if you’ve been around or worked with real professionals to any extent. I’m seriously on the verge on flat out one on one talking to some Men with an attorney present because frankly I don’t trust them as far as can be thrown for good reasons plus I don’t know them interpersonal like that, not their revolving door of whatevers yapping at me just them that some nonsense seems to do with, on what all of this nonsense I’ve encountered has been about and how do they play into all of what I’m talking about if at all because it seems like at least one of them is aware of something about what I’m speaking of. I reached out to several people from their camp on professional basis nothing but more nonsense that seemed to appertain to them and honestly the more I experience on something that seems to appertain to them the more I really can’t tell if they have a resentment of some sort for God only knows what being I’ve never even met them, a hatred, it has to be more than boredom and just someone to mess with because especially if you do not know that person or they don’t pay attention to them that gets old quick, it’s something obviously somewhere. Plus the hyenas of theirs seem to have an issue as well with not only myself but anyone around me in general. The thing about us survivors is we can pick up on the vibe of things very quickly doesn’t matter the distance or anything else. It’s like so what is it? What is the problem if any? No professional anything deals with things like some of the nonsense I’ve been getting, etc and besides how do they even know of me in the first place? And who are these nutty females that keep coming at me and why? That’s a question that still hasn’t been answered entirely at least not from them anyway on what is the main problem. ::Shrugs::