I’ve relayed this to fellow survivors particularly if they are forced to deal with their perps in legal matters, perps moreover, or putting self in the public cognizant of what is public of yourself, be cognizant what those that victimized you are knowledgeable of particularly of any wounds they inflicted because that is a badge of honor to them already. Be cognizant these beings are NOT remorseful and never will be. Remember in their minds they’re the victim. Instead they’re going to prod for anything to dig under skin or maneuver from accountability. Being cognitive not solely will they attempt to flip that narrative as distorted as is but (speaking bluntly) outsiders do not solely give a crap but there are those they will wield any perceived vulnerability to further prey on or re-exploit. Keep in mind you’re dealing with less than human beings mentally speaking in those instances therefore be cognizant of what you put in the public about yourself being you are a target or there is a license to scrutinize is already on you. Human dignity, civility, and softness is their indication to prey and target.
You would think non perps would have sympathy, they don’t. I’ve dealt with more crap being a public survivor. We have a target on our foreheads automatically. To be a survivor of human rights atrocities such as trafficking, gender based violence, etc there is a stigma and resentment. It isn’t right nor humane but you are required to be harsh having no mercy. If not you will be walked on by perps, by society, by those that lack humanity. Basically survivors of those human rights atrocities we defend ourselves because chances are nobody will. Basically I advise them do not to be public like “I have CPTSD, I have health issues, I’m broke, my XYZ passed etc” because there are a great deal of sickos that prey on that. Non survivors can do that and not draw the sickos on them. Survivors particularly survivors that are in the public to any degree no. The sickos and they will come at you.
I’m a brute b_h for valid rationale. Like I said I don’t do p__yness nor act like a p__y because you will be an easy target if you are.