I have empathy for rape, human trafficking, and survivors of sexual molestation that naturally show emotion to their perpetrators. I can comprehend it. To speak bluntly your emotions and tears are not worthy of them. Pleading with them and attempting to present any suffering they imposed on you is a waste because facts are they do not care, they are never going to give a damn, they have no remorse, they have no factual humanity in them. Many of them are narcopaths and psychopaths. They don’t give a 💩 brutally said. Has anybody been in a room with these incubus beings? They’re a shell of nothing.
In my instance I’ve spoken of this under no uncertain terms, the perps I’ve been vocal of they’re not gonna witness me shook crying or anything else in court because I am cognizant they’d get off on it and that isn’t me. Glare at them as to say “Want to take it outside the courtroom punk a$$?” and practically spit every sentence towards them in malice and revulsion while glaring at them, emotional no. So they’re cognizant since they read my social etc once I am on that stand it is gonna be straight venom beginning to end.
That is what a predator wants from their victim to breakdown and emotionally lose it. That is their win and crowning glory in life to control their prey. If they can push you to tears in their mind they won.
I’m not that type I don’t show weakness to punk a$$ b__es that prey on people aside from I am well cognizant of what piece of work 💩s predators are. You can’t show emotion, softness nothing because they’re predators and subhuman.