Talented Born Again and Loathed
When you are talented, won’t put out, disliked for telling the truth, confident but not cocky, and don’t need correction on something it is going to rub people the wrong way. At this rate I am fairly sure I’ve been pointed out based on things I’ve received and God knows had enough female come at me I’m sure they’ve had plenty to spread and say. In the realm I speak of they’re going to consider the words of an Industry female or some being they know inter-personally over someone they’ve never met regardless. Someone like myself could be the most naturally refined forthright Woman in the world and they’re going to dislike if not abhor it, forget anything talent related could hit a high C in front of them and they’d probably grimace. If no one could gauge that is why I don’t put much energy or effort into anything of the secular realm anymore because I’m aware in the end people like myself aren’t going to be picked for anything pertaining to that anyway or offered sloppy seconds. It’s like that Mariah Carey statement she made once of “Whew they wore a thing and did a twirl whew ::applause::” That sums it up how I am towards that field most times because I’m aware I probably won’t be picked or be propositioned for something I’m not. That has always been the way it’s been. I figured that pretty early on. I kind of ignore everyone in that mainstream field and have for about 11 years or so as far as that goes. Between plastics, clout chasers, a psycho predator from way back that there was a reason they called their wannabe label “Blackball” because they blackball themselves and everyone else by causing problems, and stans I’ve had long had my fill of it. I’ve been so disillusioned by that field and beings in it I don’t even care about it anymore. I never would have fit in anyway not since the early 2000’s era when things shifted drastically in it. I’ve no faith in it at all or even experienced it right before anything going on in my life but when any Jezebel type that slinks around jockeying for positions causes a problem you are going to be disliked. And that’s exactly what a Jezebel type wants to do. A said perp and theirs made sure of that. To cause contention and chaos they think it will destroy your chances. That’s why believers stick with the believer realm. Denzel Washington said it right “Some people don’t like you because your spirit irritates their demons.”
I am classically trained and have worked with or trained by some of the best of them in the fields I’ve been in I don’t flash it around. I can walk into any audition I want it’s always been that way. ::Shrugs::