There’s a saying that goes like this “Those who talk badly about you to others hope others won’t find you as appealing.”
This is very true, they’re sabotagers in life. They have nothing in their life, have nothing to offer in the realm of those they wish to pull down or be, doesn’t bother to step back and look at themselves as being the problem. Has no idea what an individual they’ve zeroed in on has sacrificed or been through to get to where they’ve been on sometimes a long journey to. They have preconceived notions about people based on ignorance and lack of perception. They want to take the influence, position if any, character that they don’t have, integrity, even the way an individual looks, discredit, etc they want everything the honed in on individuals has. That is all they’ve ever acquired in life is taking from other people, undermining others, leaching off others, spreading trash others, pointing fingers at others, they seek to monopolize every space, conversation, people, group, network, etc with no credibility in it or earnings in it. There was a scene in Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants where a sabotager attempted to not only take the spotlight away from the character of Carman but take her spot in the play as well. Unlike some real life sabotagers the character actually knew the problem insecure individual and thought of them as a friend at one point. She had overheard the problem bad mouthing her to the theater director during an emergency going on during rehearsal prior to show date. After the show she confronted the issue like this and it really is a valuable statement even in a real life problem,
“I am who I’ve always been. I’m sorry if my tiny bit of success feels like I’ve taken something from you. But if there is one thing I’ve learned this summer is no one can diminish you but yourself and you taught me that. So thank you.” Followed by the character of Carman walking off and that’s exactly what to do when faced with a sabotager and really an abuser that seems to always seek to diminish or sabotage by either sucking off your presence, harassment, or throwing some sort of negativity and trash at you.
And keep it stepping from there. Essentially those kind think others success is their personal loss even in the obvious event it has nothing to do with them. They take others success and life as a personal affront. They have to be numero uno basically if they can’t have something no one else can either. Don’t care what they have to say, do or anything else just keep it stepping. ::Shrugs::
Courtesy of- Basic Bananas
There also is a saying by Eleanor Roosevelt that goes like this, “Poor minds talk about people. Average minds talk about events. Great minds talk about ideas.”
Courtesy of- Any Lutrrell
I always say to an issue of that nature, if you got something to say bring it correct to my face. That generally stops it because they generally won’t.