Technological Crimes
This is a great article by Certo Software
The article is on the issue of spyware that no surprise many abusers, stalkers, and those who Blackmail others use. I was saying on social media around this if your voice echos back (usually to the point it makes the conversation difficult), background commotion not tied to anything in the area, or if you try to make a call and hear what people like myself have for years as documented in law some sort of commotion upon picking up or attempting to dial. That is a sign you are being listened in on or even recorded. I know of many Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Gender Based Violence Activists that have sought to outlaw these kinds of spywares that allows for anyone to stalk and or harass others. Honestly there really isn’t a need for the public to have access to those kind of invasive technologies. It’s actually thought of as unethical and in some cases illegal for even law enforcement to utilize wire tapping in attempt to build a case against a perpetrator because that perpetrator could have their attorney obliterate the prosecution if that type of material is involved in court.. and do all of the time based on privacy laws. Many times they are inadmissible to law and court as most technology and internet based crimes are unless it’s something such as child porn. Same with certain types of warrants. In most states it is unlawful to obtain a specific warrant to trace an email address to someone’s home or email account base to give an example. The most law can do is trace back to the regional server but not the actual source because of privacy laws in the place. Meaning they can trace it back to the nearest tower but that’s typically where the limitation remains. If such warrants are legal in few places to some extent it typically is not granted by judges for several reasons because of the scope of privacy and macro laws which have the capacity to turn on either the accuser and or those who conducted the investigation either by way of litigation or criminal charges. Another reason these type of warrants are not generally granted because of the nuances of the internet. It is kept in mind generally online accounts are hacked frequently especially if there has been a valid history of it from a source. In dealing with technology and law there is a great deal of red tape to it which is why when it comes to technology it is either inadmissible or taken at mild consideration in court. Even child pornographers have attempted to use the argument “Someone put it there” and unfortunately were able to walk out of court if there were indeed insufficient evidence to begin with. Most tech crimes that are caught is if major systems are intruded upon by hacking, financial crimes over a certain amount, fraudulent activity, provable child pornography, etc. Drugs and money laundering where technology is concerned are taken fairly seriously particularly if they’re tied to multiple crimes or larger scale fraudulent activity but other than that no one really cares that much to be honest. Human Trafficking it unfortunately somewhat depends. In Pacific Northwest the crime carries next to no prosecution rates despite the fact it’s among some of the most pervasive there, Florida (of course need there be more said?), parts of Texas, smaller regions of America, the Midwest, etc the likelihood of any prosecution for Human Trafficking are slim in those regions. When it comes to technology and crimes there isn’t much correlation with laws that haven’t yet been caught up to honestly. Going back to close this post there is a silver lining in removing such spyware there in turn exists software that for a small fee can be used to scan and remove any invasive spyware which is good news.