Technology In A Nutshell
ESPECIALLY the internet as I’ve said for years before someone tries to act like they had anything to do with this post or it means something it doesn’t.
Courtesy of- Film Cow
To put it in a much nicer way than I’d really like to this is an example of what I’m like when anything non professional or career based comes at me ESPECIALLY when it involves things like harassment and phone harassment by the probable usual psycho female type that honestly a 4 legged is on a higher brain level and just morally better than. I repeat if it’s NOT world enhancing, has no redeeming value to it, career, or professional in actual professionalism related I like anyone of purpose don’t want to hear it, have it in my face, or coming at me. I’m not interested. Nobody wants to be hassled, harassed, and cyber stalked like that. Beat it, it’s simple don’t bother or harass me. I don’t want to be in anyone’s lives like that period. The end.
Courtesy of- Clips&More4You